by baldacchino 18 Jan 2015

Hi All cuties, I got the idea from one of you cuties, and I said I would show you what my Hubby made me , with no help from my 2 son who are Carpenters and are very busy with work building houses. my hubby has done a very good job ( he is a Virgo ) say know more, looks like a work of art. L Sherene x


by camylow 28 Jan 2015

and you live where? I might need to borrow him for a day or two. lol. my hubby is a carpenter also and I have to wait for things that involve sewing.

by pennyhal2 27 Jan 2015

Fantastic! Making things for you is how your husband tells you how much he loves you. (I'm jealous of your thread collection.)

by cfidl 21 Jan 2015


by lhart 20 Jan 2015

Love it, what a great Hubby!

by Majik 19 Jan 2015


by babash 19 Jan 2015

How clever I thought at first it was put into a picture frame that was ready made. No wonder you are proud of him. Tell him what a good job he has done. Bet if he is like my DH he is now finding faults with his own work and wishes he did something different.

by snowbird42 19 Jan 2015

Ahhhh i wish i had the wall space for a wonderful set up like this..lucky you and a good d/h to make this for you....soozie

by sdrise 19 Jan 2015

Nice Job Hubby!!!

by sjbrower 19 Jan 2015

Wow... very handy and wonderful work from your hubs! I am a Virgo also.... and by my nature, one of the first thing that I noticed was that all of your emb threads have the same type of spool.

1 comment
sjbrower by sjbrower 19 Jan 2015

pressed enter too quickly! I also meant to say that it truly does look like a work of art!

by ctirish 19 Jan 2015

Awesome job... I totally understand Virgos

by lilylady 19 Jan 2015

Great Job! See they can do it, if the try!

by baydreamer 19 Jan 2015

wow great job!

by elemausi 19 Jan 2015

Great work, really a work of art, big praise for your hubby.

by tlp22 19 Jan 2015

Hubby did a beautiful job. I made some with the peg board but they are just cut pieces no paint or frame. How did you get those angles on the pegs? I have some i have to re-do the glue. They did not hold well...These are wonderful.

1 comment
baldacchino by baldacchino 19 Jan 2015

My Hubby went on the web site and bought steel pegs, not wooden or plastic, from a Melbourne web site in Aussie, as USA don't ship to Australia, the pegs where the dearest part ,got the peg board cheap and had the paint and skirting board which is the frame sooo pleased with them I know I am a Lucky girl ??

by graceandham 18 Jan 2015

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!

by jrob Moderator 18 Jan 2015

What a great job he did!

by Leaha 18 Jan 2015

Wow, this is a work of art! He did a great job and can proudly sign his name to this project, bet you sons would agree.

by noah 18 Jan 2015

Excellent job now find some bags to cover the thread to keep them clean .

1 comment
vickiannette by vickiannette 19 Jan 2015

yep, that is what I would need to do. Gets a bit dusty living in rural Australia - but don't think I'll need to worry, as I cannot see me getting such a great present!

by pinon 18 Jan 2015

Looks terrific! The thread is so pretty hung like that. I love having mine on pegboard but it's not beautifully framed and painted like yours... I'm going to do that some day.

by mranderson 18 Jan 2015

Looks great, a work of art!!!!!!!!!!. My star sign is Libra and we have the same reputation, but maybe not where housework is concerned, LOL. Hugs Marg

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Jan 2015

Looks totally beautiful. I just love the way that there is a outer edge to the boards and they are painted too. Thanks for showing this and maybe one day, if I am lucky I will get something like this made too

by pldc 18 Jan 2015

wonderful & a perfectionist like me lol

by spendlove Moderator 18 Jan 2015

A work of art!

by 02kar Moderator 18 Jan 2015

He did a super job.

by dragonflyer 18 Jan 2015

Nice!!! He did a great job!