by tonilee 30 Jan 2015

puffy foam? has anyone done embroidery on it, I was thinking of doing some weights, kind of like a coaster with washer inside to hold a mantel scarf . have found some designs but they were 20.00 if you get the Christmas design, oh no not Christmas embroidery. as you might guess I had problems with a mantel scarf at the holidays and my thoughts were to make some weight for along the back of mantel. don't know if this makes any sense, hope you are having a good day Toni lee


by Smokey12 30 Jan 2015

I have made some and love them. Apex designs
has a dolphin for free to try.

by tonilee 30 Jan 2015

thank you for information

by mranderson 30 Jan 2015

EmbLibrary have instructions in their project tab. Am sure they would have some designs as well. Just do a search puffy foam.

by markus 30 Jan 2015

Not yet

by hart 30 Jan 2015

I used the foam when I embroidered on a T-shirt with a dense design, it really helped to support the design. I also used on terry cloth instead of a topper stabilizer, used it for the nose of a lion turn out very cute with some dimension.