by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

On Dec 20 th I lost my friend John, Dec 24 th my good friend Luellen, Dec 26 th my brother Peter, Dec 28 th my friend lost her son, Jan 16 th my aunt/godmother passed away. But hardest of all I had to say good bye to my best friend Diana on Jan 18 th and today my other best friend Vivienne. All but 2 fought a courageous battle with cancer. Last week I was feeling quite down and it was raining so hard I complained. A homeless man heard me and his answer was " We are alive, that is a good thing. It is raining so we do not have to clean the streets and tomorrow the sun will come out and dry them. Enjoy life" His words has helped me and if he can be happy then I can be too again soon. I do know that I have lots of angels to help me enjoy life again.


by camylow 11 Feb 2015

I remember going through this also. I lost 0,people withing my circle in 1 year. You move forward, remember the good times, laugh at what you did and look forward to being reunited again in the House of the LORD

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camylow by camylow 11 Feb 2015

that should read 9 people

by pennifold 06 Feb 2015

Hi Nualaa, I truly believe that this man was sent to you in your time of despair. He was an Angel and didn't he make you feel better? I am so sorry for all your friends and family who died so close together. Time is a great healer and you always have your memories. Love Chris

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nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank you Chris. That man has kept me going over the weeks. I do hope I bump into him again.

by cfidl 06 Feb 2015

You are/were so fortunate to have so many people to love. Bless you and them as you go on living with all that love!

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nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank you. Yes I am blessed to have so many angels looking after me.

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by gerryvb edited 06 Feb 2015

All I can do is give you a big cyber hug , my prayers and my thoughts. They are out of sight but for always in your heart...Angels are always around us...

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nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank you and cyber hugs are great, and yes I do have loads of angels to watch over me.

by lolly3 06 Feb 2015

Hi nualaa, No amount of words can express the lose that you and your friends families are feeling and going through. All I can say is, it will become easier as time goes on. You will always carry them in your heart and mind, and at times smile and laugh when something reminds you of them. Take care of yourself. Love Lorraine McNeill of Woodcroft South Australia

nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank you Lorraine. Time will heal the loss and I will carry each of them in my heart always. Blessings from Vancouver, Canada.

lolly3 by lolly3 07 Feb 2015

Sending back to you lots & lots of flowers. xxxxxxxxxxxx Lorraine

by castor 06 Feb 2015

sending you big hugs and payers

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nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by lbrow 05 Feb 2015

God Bless/lillian

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nualaa by nualaa 07 Feb 2015

Thank You.

by pldc 05 Feb 2015

So many angels called much loss for you.......prayers for you today & the coming time ahead. ~hugs Loralye~

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by zoefzoef 05 Feb 2015

That for sure, is quite a lot to handle. Do it day by day and step by step. Remember everyone of them in their special way. Thank the man who gave you these wise words. Big hugg send to you Xxx

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

I will thank him if I meet him again. It is a small city I live in so I hope I do.

by tonilee 05 Feb 2015

bless his heart, and I am so sorry for this hard time, we and I am included need to be thankful for what we have , the blessing ,my dear husband and my lovely dogs. try to think of the happy times, so easy to say but your friends and loved ones are with you even now .

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

thank you. I am going to have the best life I can that is the best memory of them.

by sdrise 05 Feb 2015

My sympathies on all your losses. THe man was an angel giving you a message. Hang in there. The sun will come out. Suzanne

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you I will. The sun is always good to look forward to.

by dragonflyer 05 Feb 2015

So, so very sad for all your must be so difficult for you...I will keep you in my prayers...

1 comment
nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by kalamazoo 05 Feb 2015

Hugs & prayers of comfort for you at this low time in your life. What pearls of wisdom from a seemingly unusual source. Perhaps you could stitch out the words & hang them to give you inspiration.

1 comment
nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank You.
That is such a good idea. I will write them down and add them to my list. I want to finish a couple of quilts started by Diana and have not gone thru Vivienne's yet. I am sure the family will be in touch as none of them quilt.

by jrob Moderator 05 Feb 2015

How difficult that must be to lose so many close to you in such a short time. I'm glad that you were able to hear the words sent to you to give you hope and joy. I'm praying for you.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you. I will keep his words in mind, and knowing I have the support of so many friends is a great comfort.

by sewdoctor 05 Feb 2015

So sorry for all your losses...
that man has the right idea,,,,,sometimes not so easy to implement.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you, no it is not easy to follow advice but it jogs us back sometimes.

by lilylady 05 Feb 2015

Angels show up when they are needed the most. He's right, even when it is hard for us to understand the pain. So sorry for your great loss in your life.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by graceandham 05 Feb 2015

That is a huge number of close losses in a short time. I am so sorry for your losses and will include you in my prayers for good grieving and a time of healing. Each of these surely enriched your life and you undoubtedly have others whose lives you have enriched. You are standing on the brink of the next stage of life. May the sweet memories of your loved ones compel you into your next choices.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you, I have found out I have a wonderful bunch of friends to lean on. Quilters and sewers are a wonderful support to each other.

by 02kar Moderator 05 Feb 2015

I can understand how you feel, having lost so many friends and family in such a short time. God certainly sent you an angel and I'm so glad you heard His message. Give yourself time to grieve and to heal. Joy will come again. And in the meantime remember the good memories and create more good memories. Don't hesitate to talk to us any time. You know we care and there will always be someone to hear and listen with love.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you, Even when I was tired and to busy helping my friend I always popped in Cuties every day for a little while. love giving flowers. It has kept me going some days. Thank you all.

by meganne 05 Feb 2015

I truly feel for you Nualaa. It is painful enough to lose even one friend, but to lose so many loved ones in such a short space of time must be almost unbearable
Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you, you will get through this hurtful time and if the homeless man's words help you do this then you just hang onto them. Write them down somewhere you can see them and hold them to you at those times you are at your lowest. He was obviously sent to you in your hour of need.
Hugs and blessings, Meg

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you Meg. My sister who is a cancer survivor believes in angels and say they helped her thru her illness and to get thru the loss of our other brother last year also from cancer. We have just heard another brother has lung cancer and we are waiting to hear how bad it is and if they can operate.

by airyfairy 05 Feb 2015

I am so sorry for what you have been through. It is so hard to loose someone close. My thoughts are with you at this time.

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by momac 05 Feb 2015

Sorry about all you losses. My thoughts are with you. At least they have gone to a better place and no more suffering. Hugs Maureen

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nualaa by nualaa 05 Feb 2015

Yes they have Maureen and Thank you.