by basketkase 07 Feb 2015

Probably last one for today..........cute story on this one...

I do alot of work for a local farmer who does the seasonal farmers market in this area and he also has a large portion of land dedicated to soybeans, so he asked me to do a soybean plant and he wants me to put it on a tote for his wife for Valentines that is what I call a romantic...LOL!! This is what I came up with and I think he will like is actually a very pretty plant...
I will put this on my website tonight in case there are any other "romantic" soybean lovers out there!!


by pennyhal2 08 Feb 2015

I'm now a soybean lover! Well designed and the different colors of green really give the design depth.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 08 Feb 2015

Me, too......I chuckled when he told me what he wanted and then when I saw how pretty the plant was, I thought he made a good choice for a farmers market tote for his wife....

by katydid 08 Feb 2015

like it!

by jema 07 Feb 2015

This is absolutely gorgeous. I have a couple of Wisteria in my garden but never realized that they were soya bean plants, they bloom around early May. Love all your work. Joy

by decojo 07 Feb 2015

Beautiful design!

by lidiad 07 Feb 2015

That's a beautiful design, Vicki, love it.
I didn't know that the Glycine, also called Wisteria is the soybean plant as well. I have one large plant in my garden that blooms profusely every year at the end of September (Spring here) and has a few flowers right now (now it's Summer). I love this plant and love the soy milk as well.
Hugs, Lidia

by noah 07 Feb 2015

Well better then getting nothin*****lol hugs

by pennifold 07 Feb 2015

Stunning and I know he will love it and his wife. I'm allergic to soy bean and all their products, but this I could have! Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 07 Feb 2015

I don't think I had ever seen a soybean plant before. Very pretty.

by pldc 07 Feb 2015

ah I agree that is a very romantic hubby, & this is lovely!~hugs~

by bobbies41 07 Feb 2015

I think she will love this on a bag....I do.....very pretty design.

by mops Moderator 07 Feb 2015

Very pretty plant and a beautiful design.

by devon 07 Feb 2015

Wow another great one!!