by anitapatch ( edited 04 Mar 2015 ) 03 Mar 2015

When I was diagnoced with cancer I looked for some hats. Was lucky not to need chimo. Thought about all who is in need of a hat and sawed this sample. Going to visit the hospital and show it. If the girls like the pattern going to make more to give away. Photos different ways to tie the hat


by fera 04 Mar 2015

Bless you for making those hats - I am sure they will be welcomed

by baldacchino 04 Mar 2015

Well done girl and for giving the hospital girls hats, I bet you have lots of stash to make many more like all of us have L Sherene X

by PIGNADA 04 Mar 2015

A hat for a generous heart :Thank you to think and help those fighting cancer. Thank you for the link. Amitiés de France.

by sonjapotgieter 04 Mar 2015


by NancyBT10 04 Mar 2015

Thank you for posting the link for the free pattern. It is very kind of you to sew the hats and give them to the girls at the hospital.

by sewdeb 04 Mar 2015

VEry cute hat and thanks for the link. What a kind gesture to help those fighting cancer. May God continue to bless you. Hugs*

by justsew 04 Mar 2015

This is a lovely pattern . and kind of you to think of others.
Hugs pam.

by emcmonagle 04 Mar 2015

Thank you so much. I was looking for a pattern to make a hat for a friend and I think this one will be just perfect. God Bless all the survivors.

Earnestine - Alabama

by MsCedars 04 Mar 2015

Pretty hat and a great project. Kudos to you. Hope you do well yourself.

by Sewmum1 03 Mar 2015

Lovely idea especially those in need

by KCowden 03 Mar 2015

Thank you for the pattern! Our church (WMU) is working on a project making hats similar to this to send to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas. I just finished 12 and my 84 year old mom finished 11 so far! Obviously God isn't through with you! Be blessed!!!!

by robinbird 03 Mar 2015

This hat you've done looks lovely &enjoy these colors too. Thanks for sharing it along with the site link too& God's blessings as you continue the project. :~D

by kalamazoo 03 Mar 2015

Smile & hug to you!

by 02kar Moderator 03 Mar 2015

You are a sweetheart to be a survivor and to help out those who need these hats.

by dragonflyer 03 Mar 2015

So nice....

by loosie 03 Mar 2015

You are so thoughtful, a heart of gold :)

by pennifold 03 Mar 2015

Great idea and such a generous person to offer this to women who are going through treatment. God bless you, love Chris

by pldc 03 Mar 2015

very nice & a lovely many of us know more then one person battling some type of Cancer. ~hugs~

by connerj 03 Mar 2015

That is very nice and comforting to those that need a little cheer. :)