by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Hi Cuties,

This morning before going to the Hairdressers with Mum I decided to finish off these Cosmetic Cases that I bought from A Stitch a Half a few years ago. I actually made them for a Cursillo ( a Christian 3 day weekend) that I was on, but as we had so much I decided to keep them. I thought my ladies would like them for my Christmas luncheon.

About 4 weeks ago after seeing all the ladies who used the Kam Snap machine on here I ordered one. It arrived 2 weeks ago and I was just dying to use it on something! Well when I saw these Cosmetic Cases I knew I had the project. I've made 5 of these cases and will make 3 more. Some of these will go inside the matching coloured tote bags I've made. I'll make a couple of black and white ones for Mum and me and a couple of autumn toned ones.

Thanks for looking. I now of course want to have coloured snaps as I think they would match my fabrics better! Oh! my list of wants is getting longer!

Love Chris


by RockyB 26 Mar 2015

These are great!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 26 Mar 2015

Thanks so much Roxanne, love Chris

by shuede 25 Mar 2015

Nice work, Chris!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks so much, love Chris

by noah 25 Mar 2015


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pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkk u! Love Chris

by lidiad 25 Mar 2015

They are all gorgeous, Chris! Love them.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks so much Lidia, me too! Love Chris

by bemara 25 Mar 2015

sehen alle super aus :-))

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Vielen Dank! liebe Chris

by phi4 25 Mar 2015

Beautiful purses,You are very creative & generous. thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for the links.

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pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks for those lovely words, love Chris

by deegee 25 Mar 2015

Very nice work. They are all lovely.

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pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks so much, love Chris

by rosakent 25 Mar 2015

What pretty purses and the Kam snaps give a professional finish - how did we manage without them!! Jo

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pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks Jo, yes, I can't believe I've put up without them for so long. I showed Mum the unit yesterday she couldn't believe how heavy it was! Love Chris

by vickiannette 25 Mar 2015

love them. Were the Kam Snaps called that, or something else? Thanks Chris.

pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Yes Vicki, they are called Kam Snaps! Love Chris

vickiannette by vickiannette 25 Mar 2015

thanks Chris. I thought I'd buy some but the ones I saw were called something else. Then they said 'by the makers of Kam Snaps' so I think they must be just copies. Haven't purchased yet.

by katydid 24 Mar 2015

wow! great job!!

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Kay, they've turned out really well. Love Chris

by shirley124 24 Mar 2015

Very nice. Your ladies will love them. Hugs

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Shirley, love Chris

by nonna57 24 Mar 2015

Chris these are lovely. You have done an excellent job as always.. ps :) did you buy the snaps etc here in Aus?

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Pauline, yes I bought the Kam Snap set from Australia, haven't got their address but they are somewhere up on the North Coast. Love Chris

by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Here is the inside for Fatima! Love Chris

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tfk by tfk 25 Mar 2015

Thank you so much Chris :). ....they are beautiful!

by sandralochran 24 Mar 2015

Love them

pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks so much Sandra, love Chris

tlp22 by tlp22 24 Mar 2015

That fabric is gorgeous.

pennifold by pennifold 25 Mar 2015

Thanks Theresa, it is a beautiful paisley fabric with a gold thread running through it. Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 24 Mar 2015

They are so beautiful,,,Love the way with the two tone and colours!!!!Well done

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks so much Sonja, I appreciate it. Love Chris

by lbrow 24 Mar 2015

Lovely little bags and terrific gifts Chris/Lillian

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Lillian, love Chris

by designgirl 24 Mar 2015

Beautiful little bags.

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thank you Lynn, love Chris

by kingmar 24 Mar 2015

Lovely, they will be well used by those lucky ladies.

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks I hope so too. Love Chris

by basketkase 24 Mar 2015

How beautiful, all the color variations!

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Vicki, me too. Love Chris

by Shyamala 24 Mar 2015

Beautiful...these are for larger hoops...arent they? Unless I buy another machine with a larger embroidery area. Love all of them. Hugs..Shyam.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Hi Shymala, these were made in the 5x7 hoop. Thanks for commenting, love Chris

by pldc edited 24 Mar 2015

well done Chris! Don't you just love how easy it is to use the KAM Snaps! I love my snap set & look for fun things to make using the snaps. I have just bought some pink & purple snaps too need to think of something fun to make to use them too!~hugs~

pldc by pldc 24 Mar 2015

PS met my hubs @ one of these weekends too

pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Wow! how wonderful to meet hubby at a Cursillo weekend. Over here us Anglicans have had separate weekends for years, up until the past 3 years. I was on team 4 years ago when we had the men on one side of our place and the women on the other side. Now we have combined Cursillos all the time. I did my Cursillo in 1991 (24 years ago) Love Chris

by dragonflyer 24 Mar 2015

Beautiful job on these, Chris...nice addition to the handbags, too!

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Kim, they will be a nice little addition love Chris

by tfk 24 Mar 2015

They are beautiful Chris :) lucky are those who are going to receive these goodies from you!
I would like to see the inside of the case too if possible :)....great job!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

The inside is all Paisley fabric - I'll take a shot of the inside for you Fatima. Love Chris

by airyfairy 24 Mar 2015

Chris, they look wonderful. What great gifts they will make. Still drying my tears after we lost the cricket to New Zealand :(
Let us hope that you win the finals.

pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Sarah, it's been a great series hasn't it? How about the Eden Park ground in New Zealand? Sorry about your loss. New Zealand really deserved that win, what an amazing game. 299 off 48 overs is amazing! That last 6 was amazing. Greg Elliott offering his hand in sportmanship to your man on the ground was a fantastic gesture. Love Chris

airyfairy by airyfairy 25 Mar 2015

The whole match was amazing. It could have gone either way.

by lilylady 24 Mar 2015

Just remember your spoiling them. How are you going to top all this next year? LOL! These are also pretty.

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Sandy, each year I try and top the previous year! Love Chris

by decojo 24 Mar 2015

They are lovely! Love the paisley fabric on the flap. Very nicely done Chris!

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks the whole lining and backing is Paisley fabric. Love Chris

by tlp22 24 Mar 2015

How nice these are Chris. They are gorgeous.

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Theresa, I love them, fun to make In The Hoop. Love Chris

by baydreamer 24 Mar 2015

really nice!

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks baydreamer, love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Mar 2015

Very pretty Chris

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Caroline, love Chris

by laffma1 24 Mar 2015

These are beautiful little cases. Your luncheon friends will love them.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thank you, I hope so. Love Chris

by sigrun 24 Mar 2015

They are so lovely Chris

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Sigrun, I agree, love Chris

by aussiequilter 24 Mar 2015

they are really lovely Chris ,

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pennifold by pennifold 24 Mar 2015

Thanks Monika, they've come out well, I think. Love Chris