by sorval 26 Mar 2015

my prsent came out belgie today to me

i can use it also for the car seats from my re borns
i hope to make self more like this because i have 4 car seats lol
hugs Sonja


by sorval 27 Mar 2015

thank you all very much
hugs Sonja

by justonlyme 27 Mar 2015

How are your babies weighted? Do they feel natural when you pick them up? I've been reading where some are only partly molded and the rest of the body is stitched with fabric. I'm quite curious. I've been admiring your babies since you first posted them! Do you have any suggestions for picking out the perfect baby? I would love to gift a baby to my adult daughter. I want it as real as possible, but she is terribly allergic to latex.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful little beauties!

1 comment
sorval by sorval 27 Mar 2015

the re borns weight are like a real baby
thats why they look so real lol
i buy every time a re born with my heart thats why i have this moment 10 re borns
a re born look in a crib just like real and i change there cloths not every day
i do it only now and than because they lay out the sun and not real in light
this is the way to keep them just when i have buy them
there cloths are real baby size
i hope this will help you because re borns are not cheap
hugs Sonja

by boltonia51 27 Mar 2015


by lidiad 26 Mar 2015

It looks great, Sonja!
Hugs, Lidia

by graceandham 26 Mar 2015

More celebrating!

by noah 26 Mar 2015

Way to go my ole friend lovely just lovely hugs Carolyn xx00

by highlandermom 26 Mar 2015

Very sweet

by highlandermom 26 Mar 2015

Very sweet

by pennifold 26 Mar 2015

Absolutely stunning Sonja, you are so good at these newborn babies. Love Chris

by decojo 26 Mar 2015

very pretty!

by pldc 26 Mar 2015

very pretty Sonja ~hugs~

by devon 26 Mar 2015

WOW!!!!! love it

by 02kar Moderator 26 Mar 2015

So sweet!

by jeanfoz 26 Mar 2015

Awwww Cute, Jean xx