by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Hi there all!

Embroidered a few towels for 2 of my friend's kids.....
Dont know why the pics dont show the exact colours sometimes.....specially with towels!
Well the 2 pink ones are of 2 girls who are best friends and thats the reason they are the same colour and design....the other 2 purple ones are another 2 little friends and the blue one is the only boy in the lot :)
I kind of messed up a little in the first pink towel I did....the tiara font M which I chose was I guess a little too dense for the towel and it troubled a lot....finally ended up giving her another pretty blue M...I love this chopin font!
Then worrying about density I kind of made the density of the monster truck a little low and that didnt turn out perfectly either where it was perfectly done on the crayon tote I had made :(
Now the 3rd silly mistake I made was in the purple towel where I left the A at 45° while rotating to fit......hahaha!
But lessons well learnt for me ;) and I am still learning!
The kids loved them and were delighted to see their personalised towels!
I thought to share all good and bad so others may be a little extra careful ;)


by deegee 07 Apr 2015

Gee they all look really nice to me. You may think you have made some mistakes but only you know them - so don't be so hard on yourself. Lovely work & well done.

1 comment
tfk by tfk 07 Apr 2015

Thanks a lot! You are right....usually we are a little too conscious of the little things that dont turn out perfectly but others wont even notice :)

by greysewist Moderator 06 Apr 2015

They all look great and the recipients are going to love them!. Towels can be tricky, especially when they are really thick ones.

1 comment
tfk by tfk 07 Apr 2015

Thank you so much :)

by pennifold 06 Apr 2015

Sorry I missed these Fatima, busy weekend. These were a great save. I wouldn't worry about the A being rotated, but the girls will still love them. Well done and you are right we all have to make mistakes to learn. Love Chris

1 comment
tfk by tfk 07 Apr 2015

Thanks a lot Chris :) yes the kids all loved them!
Thankfully the mistakes didnt make anything useless. ...its still totally usable ;)

by sonjapotgieter 04 Apr 2015

They are Awesome!!!Well done

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thank you Sonja :)

by pennyhal2 04 Apr 2015

Your towels really are cute and I'm sure they will treasure them. It seems that towels really can be finicky. It's sometimes hard for me to judge just how a design will stitch out on things. What they will look like on a towel is extra hard for me and I needed a solution. So I bought a towel like the ones I use just to practice on. I stitch the practice design on it, and then I wash it. I can then judge if I need to make changes or if it will do as is.

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thanks a lot dear....that sounds like a good idea :)

by cfidl 04 Apr 2015

They all look great!

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thank you so much :)

by noah 04 Apr 2015

very nicely done they will love them :):)hugs

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thanks a lot :)....yes they sure do!

by lbrow 04 Apr 2015

As Karen says "learning experiences" I still have them even though I've been at it a few yrs. now. I think your towels look great/Lillian

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thanks Lillian :). ...truly they are 'learning experiences!'

by 02kar Moderator 04 Apr 2015

They weren't silly mistakes, they are learning experiences and we have all made our share. I know the kids will love them and enjoy using them. And that is what counts.

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Yes dear you are right....its these little mistakes which teach us more than any other means :)
Thank you so much for appreciating!

by grossfamilie 04 Apr 2015

Thank you for sharing! I love the way how you combined everything. Looks very pretty and "manly" for the last one
Happy Easter - Maria

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thanks a lot! :)

by decojo 04 Apr 2015

Beautiful towels! Very nicely done!

1 comment
tfk by tfk 04 Apr 2015

Thank you dear :)