by spendlove Moderator 12 Apr 2015

Back to smocking. I decided to see if I could make something that looked like English Smocking on the embroidery machine. (I know smocking designs exist, but I didn't study them as I wanted to work through the process for myself.) Here is my first attempt. I'm quite pleased with it, but to be honest, I think I would have preferred to do it by hand!

Pros: Precise and you know what the finished size will be.
Cons: Not elastic like the real thing. Gathering threads need removing which isn't easy as they are trapped in the embroidery. WSS topping is needed to prevent the foot getting under the fabric ridges - this had to be washed out.
Do any of you have experiences to share?


by cfidl 13 Apr 2015

I am so glad you did this! I have a piece already gathered, because I thought that was how it was done? Now I want to go back and learn the old away so there is elasticity in the final product. In the meanwhile I will try to embroider on this piece.

by mops Moderator 13 Apr 2015

I like your design, and think you are right about the pros and cons. Love the real thing better, but for a quick border this is not bad at all.

by marianb 13 Apr 2015

Great work.. just a thought have you ever tried wss thread that way the thread would dissolve away no unpulling. I use this to patch together cut offs of my wss to make it go further.. Marian

1 comment
marianb by marianb 13 Apr 2015

sorry should have scrolled down vickiannette and jrob had same thoughts

by airyfairy 13 Apr 2015

Absolutely brilliant Sue

getEdited - SELECT
by vickiannette edited 12 Apr 2015

looks fantastic. I like jrob hint about water-soluble thread for the pleats.

by tfk 12 Apr 2015

I like the attempt you have made here Sue ....its pretty! But.....I would say your hand work was even prettier and I am sure you find it worth all the hard work :)
Thanks once again for sharing your experience!

by toogie 12 Apr 2015

No experience here with machine smocking. I, like you, prefer to do by hand, much prettier and doesn't 'crush' the pleats.

by jrob Moderator 12 Apr 2015

For your gathering threads use a water soluble thread. Keep it in a sealed bag to prevent it getting brittle and mark it NOT FOR SUIMSUITS.

toogie by toogie 12 Apr 2015


spendlove by spendlove 12 Apr 2015

LOL indeed! Is it strong enough?

jrob by jrob 12 Apr 2015

Yes, it is.

spendlove by spendlove 13 Apr 2015

Can't find any here in England.

spendlove by spendlove 13 Apr 2015

Found some now...but very expensive.

by 02kar Moderator 12 Apr 2015

I don't have any experiences to share, but I am very impressed with your attempt.