by lenamae 13 Apr 2015

first I want to thank every one for responses . NOW

my sister passed away this morning .MY son has been diagnosed with cancer we are waiting to find out what to expect ...This all is about more than i can take . the doctor did say that it was all over his body has had bladder surgery to remove one that was bleeding . We go in tomorrow for some more test .Pray for him and God will be with us.


by designgirl 14 Apr 2015

Thoughts and prayers sent your way. Hugs Lynn

by harleysville 14 Apr 2015

Check your personal mail.

by dragonflyer 14 Apr 2015 thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time...

by gerryvb 14 Apr 2015

you are in my thoughts and prayers, Hugs, Gerry

by stork 14 Apr 2015

So sorry for your loss and the word about your son. Just say an extra prayer for yourself and tell God that you can't handle anymore. I had to do this after my 5th surgery and a problem pregnancy.....God gave me a few years off! He is amazing!!! God bless you and prayers.

by aldoom 14 Apr 2015

God bless you, hugs and prayers to you and your family.

by sadp 14 Apr 2015

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

by marianb 14 Apr 2015

Will keep you both in my thoughts..

by airyfairy 14 Apr 2015

Words cannot express what you must be going through. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. Hugs Sarah

by avalon 14 Apr 2015

I am so very sorry that you have lost your sister. I will pray for you that God will give you the strength for your son, so you can be a positive force in his life and your family. Stay strong, have faith that God will only give you what you can bear. Hugs to you.

by pennifold 14 Apr 2015

Dear Lena, let me add my condolences on the passing of your sister. I know you will miss her dearly. Prayers for strength and courage as you look after your son. God is in control, may you feel the presence of Him who hears all our prayers. He is only a whisper away. Love Chris

by juanitadenney 14 Apr 2015

So sorry to hear this, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Juanita

by chenille 13 Apr 2015

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love & Hugs, Nadyne

by gerryb 13 Apr 2015

Lena, saying prayers for your whole family!!

by abl789 13 Apr 2015

I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for your Son and for you that God will give you the strength to get through this valley, and that God will send friends close to you to love and encourage you during this time.

by katydid 13 Apr 2015

Lenamae , I am so sorry for your loss and the sad news of your son. Remember that God will not give you more than he knows you can bare. You must ask for his help and guidance to see you through this terrible time. You must be strong for the rest of the family. We love you and pray for your family. Kay.

by graceandham 13 Apr 2015

Oh dear. So sorry for your loss and hope you get better news with the doctor.

by barba 13 Apr 2015

I am so sorry and saddened by your loss and the news of your son. You have my prayers and blessings. I pray for healing and peace and the strength you and your family will need to help you through this very difficult time. Hugs, Barba

by haleymax 13 Apr 2015

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sister. I know how the grief gets to you, even though you know there is nothing you could do to make her well. Then to get the news of your son's cancer it must seem as if everything is going wrong. God is our refuge. I pray that God will wrap His loving arms around you and your family, giving you peace and comfort during this time.

by Sewmum1 13 Apr 2015

I am sorry to hear this. I pray that you and your family will find a strength you didn't know you had.

by toogie 13 Apr 2015

I am so very sorry...........

by toogie 13 Apr 2015

I am so very sorry...........

by jrob Moderator 13 Apr 2015

Oh, dearest Lena, I am so very sorry. I'm sure that this is more than you can take, but it isn't more than God can give you the strength to go through. I pray that you have peace, grace, strength,love and that your soul will be fed in the amount that you need.

by sdrise 13 Apr 2015

I am so sorry for your loss.... Prayers are coming your way.

by Shisha 13 Apr 2015

Wow! Sooo sorry u have had to go thru all of this! My condolences to you on the loss of yr sister. Prayers for you and yr family and especially for your son!

by lbrow 13 Apr 2015

Lena I am so sorry. Just remember God is in control. we don't understand but our finite minds do not understand His ways. Keep your faith trust Him and He will give you the Grace to get through it all. He will be with you, let him carry you. Think of the poem Foot Prints in the Sand. . You are loved and in my prayers along with your son/Lillian

by crafter2243 Moderator 13 Apr 2015

I do not know what to say. I can not even imagine how you must be feeling. All I can do is pray for you to have strength and praying for healing for your son. Hugs

by grandmamek 13 Apr 2015

My sincere condolences on the loss of your sister. I have added both you and your son to my prayers. May God be with you and provide you with strength and comfort during this difficult time. Hugs, Mary

by tfk 13 Apr 2015

So sorry for your loss :( keep yourself strong your son needs you right now! Hope all will be well with you!

by grossfamilie 13 Apr 2015

This is so very sad, dear Lenamae. I will be thinking and praying for you and your son. God will be with you and your family and maybe your
sister in heaven will take care now.
Lena, you are not alone - so many thoughts and prayers go with you.
Big hugs - Maria

by basketkase 13 Apr 2015

Lenamae, I am so sorry to hear of your sisters passing.....will keep your son and whole family in my prayers.........

by cfidl 13 Apr 2015

so sorry to hear the news of your sisters passing, and I am praying for you and your son.

by emily16838 13 Apr 2015

Lots of prayers headed your way

by dailylaundry 13 Apr 2015

Oh, Lena - such sad news for you, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's passing. Your dear son will be in my prayers as well as you. Hugs, Laura*