We had the alphabet book set and wall hanging, done by my Mother for my younger sister and brother back in the late 60's and when our daughters storage unit was stolen in 2011, we lost those treasures, along with all the other special family items that were in that unit, so if you have those designs, I would be more than happy to purchase them from you, just send me a PM through the inbox. Likely there are others who would use the designs with the tri chem paints, or even with other paints. If there did not seem to be any interest in them , then it seems they would work as stabilizer, coloring books or what ever other way the material could be recycled but I know I am hoping you may just have the soft alphabet book or the ABC wall hanging. Thankfully the white dogs on black satin were still in my possession so have those as they were my first paint craft I did sometime between 5-7 years old. Keeping fingers crossed but also know that many design are also available on EBay. Pam
I did not have the items you mentioned. They sounded really nice. So sorry you had things taken. Some persons just do NOT get it----I have words but cannot say them here. I donated the stuff to the kids at church for a yard sale. Thank you for your ideas and God bless you.
they are still selling that tri chem and the pictures and paints on Ebay.. check it out...
Thanks---I donated to the kids at church for a yard sale. They use the proceeds for helping the community and for missions. They were in the basement for about 30 years----and they were STILL FRESH!!!! But I now "PAINT" with thread.... Much more fun. Thank you and God bless you.
I remember them too. They were all the rage. By thingees I guess you mean the stuff the pictures were printed on.. Could give it a try!! good luck
Yes---all the pictures printed on the stabilizer/interfacing type fabric and then you painted with the paints and rubbed it in and blended with a stylus. It was fun---but I have more fun by "painting" with thread----aka machine embroidery. Thank you and God bless you.
yes i did a few pillow cases with those paints lol old for sure hugs
I did some clothing and Tshirts----and a lot of the printed pictures-----the painting on the clothing and Tshirts was still there and in good shape when everything else had worn out and rotted. Probably the same will be true with all of our machine embroidered items someday. But I think Machine embroidery is so much more fun. Thank you and God bless you.
I had them too! They were great fun, bit I don't know what thingees you mean.
The thingees were the interfacing/stabilizer type stuff that had pictures printed on it and then you painted on it with the tubes of paint and rubbed them in and blended them with a stylus. It was fun. But they were in my basement for at least 30 years and needed a new home!! Thank you and God bless you.
The kids might like to color them with crayons- adult iron set the colors and maybe the kids could sell them at their sale.
I donated almost the whole bunch of stuff----I kept a few to play with at a ladies group I belong to---just for a fun craft to do--Thanks and God bless you.
I do remember those embroidery paints...I had forgotten all about them...I wonder if they are still available...Not sure that you mean by the "thingees to paint"...are the paints still good?
Paints are still good----I had a WHOLE BUNCH of stuff---paints and tools and stylus and tips and a bunch of the pictures to paint----all kinds of stuff---cute saying and pictures---but I now see a lot of the sayings and pictures in machine embroidery designs---and they are more fun to do and I think they are more useful than just painting a picture on stabilizer to hang on a wall---with our machine embroidery we can do clothing and towels and wall hangings and aprons and almost anything we can imagine----and I think it is so much more fun---thanks and God bless you.