by mysew1325 30 Apr 2015

2 more wooden boxes.. I used WSS on top of the box as i stitched out the designs and it looks so much better.. then after designs were done I glued it to the top of box and when dry I sanded the sides smooth.. perfect.. after two days I took a wet wash cloth to the top to remove the WSS.. .. I tilted the box side ways so the water did not seep into the wood to much.. dryed the area with a soft cloth and placed in sun for 5 minutes.. love the finished product.. I will put a clean varnish on these when I have a few more done..


by baydreamer 01 May 2015

I really love this idea! something I need to try!

by lidiad 01 May 2015

They look great, well done!
Hugs, Lidia

by mops Moderator 30 Apr 2015

Lovely designs, they make outstanding boxes. Varnishing would prevent getting your boxes dirty but I wonder what it would do to the colour of your embroidery threads.

For all those who want a tutorial other than the one spendlove gave: EmbLibrary has had one up for years. They use wss and remove the tiny bit with a damp brush or damp paper towel - see link.

My dealer had classes on it in the late 90s - funny how it went out of fashion and is now recurring.

by loriziegler 30 Apr 2015

so awesome!

by lbrow 30 Apr 2015

My fave is the dream catcher. Fell in !I've with them when I was living in Oklahoma. They are both very very nice/Lillian

by shirley124 30 Apr 2015

Well done. I love them both. Hugs

by dragonflyer 30 Apr 2015

Beautiful...the Indian Dream Catcher looks like it was wood burned...

by Trish56 30 Apr 2015

This is just a thought..... I do Folk Art, before I paint on wood I put a sealer in the wood, this stops the paint soaking into the timber, it is water based so the brushes wash out in water, IT DRIES CLEAR ! the brand I use is Jo Sonya, can be bought in craft stores, there are other brands. If that is painted onto the balsa wood when using WSS you could use the wet cloth without fear of water soaking into the wood !!!!
Do you think this would work or do you think that it would effect the stitches as it is meant for painting not sewing ????
As I said just a thought....

I love these and the ideas, when I get brave with my sewing I will defiantly give these a go

mysew1325 by mysew1325 30 Apr 2015

that is an idea... my thought after doing these designs is that it may make the Balsa Wood tough and not stitch properly.. but it will try it on a scrap .. if it was sealed first the stitches may not sink in the wood and no WSS needed.. that would be great..

Trish56 by Trish56 30 Apr 2015

OK, please let us know if it works, what made me think was you said that you were going to put a vanish on , and thought that the varnish might soak into the timber too much, and the sealer would stop that

by pennifold 30 Apr 2015

Wonderful way of putting designs onto wood. Love Chris

by Wendyy 30 Apr 2015

I am still shaking my head in disbelief. Awesome. These are beautiful. I would never have imagined an embroidery machine could go through this. I can't wait to tell some friends about this. You ought to teach classes or something. WOW

by charliesfive 30 Apr 2015

so is the box lid flat with no lips?

by sonjapotgieter 30 Apr 2015

Excellent work...Beautiful!!!

by noah 30 Apr 2015

Awesome i need to buy some of this balsa wood or whatever its called.
Excellent job hugs

by laffma1 30 Apr 2015

These look great!!! You did a terrific job!

by pldc 30 Apr 2015

terrific job! Flowers for everyone ~hugs~

by maggiejwl 30 Apr 2015

These are great!
I'm still too chicken to try to stitch on the wood!

1 comment
mysew1325 by mysew1325 30 Apr 2015

it is easy peasy ..

by spendlove Moderator 30 Apr 2015


by sjbrower 30 Apr 2015

Beautiful! Are those Urban Threads designs?

1 comment
mysew1325 by mysew1325 30 Apr 2015

yes these are..

by basketkase 30 Apr 2015

Beautifully done.....