A small wallet to go with the patchwork bag. It fits in perfectly and has a zippered compartment for coins as well. My first try....plan to make more as gifts.
This is another tote bag....test stitched these designs some time ago...added a few more designs and made into a bag. The pockets on the other side are from sick embroidery.
A pair of doilies. Fabric ...Irish linen .
Another set of bath towels. Design from stitch delight.....SDS0593
Hand towels for my sis and bil. Design from stitch delight.
Mother's day gift for my mum who will be turning 90 yrs soon. She feels cold most of the time so I made her this from scraps to keep her warm.
A quilted tote bag, mother's day gift for my sister.
This is the heart design from Sue Box Creations. I arranged them on plain fabric but have not stiched yet.The centre star design is from the link below and it is a freebie. Does the star go well with the heart....need suggestions from cuties ..or sho
Door mat. Love the design but is very thick because it is for larger hoops and I had to modify for the 4x4 hoop.
Grape cutwork coaster. The first one is the original and the second...an extra piece layered at the bottom before stitching the frame. Fabric used.. Irish linen
Cushion covers for son and dil.
Joey's 1st birthday, stitched a doggie shirt and a birthday cap for him. He was too eager to eat his chicken so had a difficult time getting a good shot. Pattern from you tube.
Bedspread/Comforter...2nd wedding anniversary gift for my son and dil. Would like to add more designs but have no idea. Any ideas welcome. Hugs ....Shyam. Happy Valentine's Day to all.
My second try on towel embroidery...to give it to the same person.
This is my first try on a towel...will be giving to a friend whose daughter had a baby boy recently. Hope cuties here can give me some tips on sewing on towels. Thanks.