Ik ben een boekje aan het maken voor mijn nieuwe kleindochter. Mijn dochter is lerares Frans. Vandaar de Nederlandse en de Franse tekst eronder. Dit zijn vast 2 pagina's. De andere pagina's komen nog. For a book for my new grandchild.
Another bib for my new grandchild. The bib design is from babolucia (in DBC). Thank you babolucia for this nice design.
A towel with a little bird. I love birds.
A towel for my grandson.
Gift for a baby boy. A towel and a baby bib.
A logo for a young man who start his own business. (door to door sale of cheese)
Today I make this sewingbasket.
And here the applique elephant on a bib for a baby girl.
Applique elephant on a bib for a baby boy.
A little purse for my little granddaughter. Thank you Sue for this nice design and the good instructions (DBC)
A present for a baby.
Here my basket. Design is from DBC (highlandermom). Thank you Mary. It was nice to do.
Bullfinches on a towel. A present for myself. The design is from Advanced Embroidery Designs.
Pencil toppers here in DBC (Lique) Thank you Lique. Nice for my grandchildren.
A baby bib for my grandson. I became the design from a friend. She makes the design.