Designs by sick is having a $1 sale on all patterns all day, whew just went thru all 100 pgs and got a few bargains.
Well guess what I did . . . . I took back that silly fab-u-motion w/stitch regulator and came home without the silly thing and without my money and $200 further in debt but I got the
Heeeellllllllppppppp! I've got my new Husqvarna Stitch Regulator w/fabric mover (which I saved a long time for) and have practiced 4 long days on it and I just can't seem to get the hang of it!
Now that we've fininised our latest alpha can we restart the christmas font for those of us that missed it first time. We started last time A-D, maybe we can start from the E until a new alpha is
I'm going to try and show you a pic of my baby girl - purr type....
Does anybody know where I can get a pattern for santas sleigh and reindeer that is by OSGD (?) I saw it in a magazine and it said to check with your Bernina dealer.....
FYI Cassandras embroidery has posted the next letters in her fun fall hunt. Called Autumn Fall I'll add the link below.
Question for you that can digitize. Why is it on some designs, the outline stitches are perfect and on others they don't quite follow the outline, then on some there are so many jump stitches
OK all you knowledgeable ladies, I've been 'commissioned' to make a quilt for a lady and she wants it done with HATS! Any idea where I can find some neat hat patterns free or otherwise ?
Just wanted to share a little good news (at least to me) I've just put my Husqvarna Stitch Regulator on layaway and hope to get it out in a week or so and found out that lo and behold what I ...
Ok can somebody update me I have started collecting this alpha but as usual I don't know from where and/or if any new letters are avail. Now lets see if I can download a pix.
Ok I give up can somebody pleeeeease tell me why I can't get the lower case pixies! It says password protected! Is there supposed to be a password??????
questions for you guys, I got an email this a.m. from 'freebie hunters 4972'. Some yahoo group asking me to join, are they legit? I've asked about this mohammed before but nobody will answer me
question for Manami and anybody else on the web listings from olaf they are all in Japanese (chinese) which of course I cannot read but all the patterns download great, scan good and open
OMG!!!!!!! All the pixies are there - every last one of em - I'm so excited it's like christmas morning early. Just run your mouse over absolutely everything and you'll find em all, they are