I am in search of a 'butcher hog' design. The pig that shows the cuts of meat. Here is a link to an example. The black and white one here:
I got my first "tip of the day" at Embroidery Library! Yea! http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elpr...
Does anyone know what happened to www.embroiderseye.net web site? It's has said Account suspended for several days that I have seen.
Babylock and prewound bobbins. Anyone have any experience on this? I emailed my Babylock dealer about prewound bobbin thread and got this response:
Prewound bobbins and Babylock Ellageo. I have never tried prewound bobbins. Does anyone use them with a Babylock Ellageo, or just a Babylock in general. I was thinking about ordering the plastic
Has anyone seen or purchased this offer? http://www.embroiderseye.net/inde... I'm kind of confused by it, not sure if you really get everything you see pictured on the site.
New Monday hunt up at Madwoman designs. http://www.themadwomanoflockestre...
I'm pretty sure I need a 'design downloading intervention'. I can not believe, in the thousands and thousands of designs I have, that I don't have any damask designs! This is a sickness!
There is a great Easter sale at Oregon Patch Works. If you search for them, you'll find around 60 sets for $1 each.Some of those are an additional % off. htt p://www.oregonpatchworks.com
A cutie mentioned she always has to reduce the density of the Emb. Library designs. How do you do that? I assume you need a digitizing program????
Please vote for the S on the butterfly font. Pretty please???
Butterfly Font S Please vote for the butterfly font S. Thank you
I have a large roll of plastic film I bought at Michaels for wrapping things like baskets etc...is that what people use when they need mylar? Or do you get something specific?
I ruined a doily the other day because it made these french knot things that got hung up and made a big mess. Today, I was making an ornament and noticed some french knots coming so I got out my
My friend has a Singer Futura CE-250 and is having problems with the embroidery. The designs are not lining up as they should, outlines off etc. Has anyone had this issue?