We celebrated our 28th anniversary this past week...Both my hubby and I were laying in bed SICK, coughing-sneezing--and aching....Hey, at least we are still sharing and caring...hehehehe
I know I have asked this before, but I still cannot find the long arm quilting machine I want to have.....Is a computerized one so much better, or free stitching just as good....What is the one
Ok Cuties...Mother's Day is over...Who got what for their day.....
Mt step-father is back in the hospital...They removed about 40 lbs of fluid from his heart-lung-chest cavity...He has a real bad heart and it does not work right anymore...Please pray for him.....
For those of you who replied to my question earlier...it all won't fit...how about..........GOD'S ONLY SON...on the other side of A GIFT OF LOVE
i need an answer/help please....
IV'E LOST IT...REALLY....I needed some time away from the foster kids so bad....the couple of days they were gone, i did nothung but run erronds and deal with their issues every minute of the day.
PROJECT 2....Hello Guys n Gals.....I have been procrastinating for toooooo long.....I just couldn't seem to figure out the one row in the quilt.....there were a few blocks that were larger than
CUTIES...Im alive....going through major foster kids problems and hubby's health issues..be back and posting as soon as I can...l wuv you guys...deanna
My internet was messed up for a couple of days..could someone post the cat alpha site link for me here..I missed a few of the ongoing alphas...Thanks in advance...deanna
PRAYER WARRIORS....Our cutie dlmds is sick with the flu...Will you please lift her up for healing....love deanna
QUILTERS....I found a tin lizzie 26" machine with table...brand new...delivered & set up.....3 year labor warranty with a 1 year factory for 9500.00 Is this a good price?