Has anyone done FSL with metallic thread? I just tried it on a couple angels, and it didn't seem to catch right.
How do you overcome freebie addiction!?!?
I'd really like to get the cross stitch B, would appreciate the Cutie's votes. Thanks!
I'm so excited. Less than a month after joining the Cute community, I just hit 700 flowers. The Cuties are definitely the BEST!
PES Vault has posted the K & L for the French Script alphabet. Link below.
Thank you all! I was excited to think that I'd be over 250 today, but I hit 300! Thanks for all the flowers! This has got to be the nicest bunch of people on the web.
I'd like to request your votes for Monday the 3rd for this redwork Aries zodiac design http://redwork.cuteembroidery.com...
Hi! I'm pretty new to this site, and just started giving and getting flowers. Do they mean anything other than just for fun? This site is great, and I love the community aspect! Thanks!