Why is there never anything new in Applique or FSL. The letter A has been offered in FSL, but never any of the rest of the alphabet.
Shirlener, I too want to congratulate you on your 8000 flowers. I don't think I'll ever get there.
Shirlener congratulations on your 8000 flowers!! U go girl & U deserve every one of them just 4 being your sweet self Luv U girl
Hi, just a note - may have already been posted but- www.HeartStringsEmbroidery.com has a free alphabet up until Apr 27. Just thought I'd share.
Mops what do you mean when you say we are 2 ahead of #6 ? And to vote. And how do i do that?
Designs in Machine Embroidery is celebrating their 50th anniversary. They have put a "digital" magazine on their site with a hunt for freebies. Tons of designs! http://www.dzgns.com/
I loved looking through the 50th editon 3D online design magazine. Wish they all come this way. Think of all the saved trees. If you havent looked go and have a look it is the best
I see all these lovely designs on towels. Plse tell me what happens to threads on back of design. I embroidered hairdressing items on towels for my Hairdrssr but was not too happy with reverse..
Let me first say that from now on I'm going to refer to you all as CUTIES. And my question is.... Where are all the CUTIES from? I'm from So. Calif. and now live in Canada.
Have any of you heard from Loretta, I'm just sick with worry about her. I emailed her and have not gotten any response. ;(
Someone asked for numbers to go with the alphabets. Looks like Cute delivered! Thanks
Can anyone tell me how to use a bernina stick to save files to I just bought one and will have to wait until I go back to the shop to get answers or class on it.
Shirlener I can accept all of you .I am having the time of my life.I love the chat. I don;t need to worry if some one is going to askme if I have cloth on . ( do of course)
I wanted to send a big thank you to all who answered my question about ovals. I did find one to work.
Is there any of the male species that interacts with this site or are we all women. just curious to know. My dad would of loved to join in with all the girls he use to pick up more in side.......