Which is the best stabilizer to use? I have been using the tear away but I can't make to much designs in the same hoop because the stabilizer goes apart.
http://www.needlepointers.com/dis... is a nice site -One free daily, one free hourly (on the 1/2 hour)
Did everyone notice the new Design? It's a shamrock border, just in time for St. Patrick's day, & with 57 votes looks like it might be the freebie tomorrow!
Good morning ladies!! Tell me about the prewound bobbins. Do they have more on them than the ones you do yourself??
Hey Ladies, Can anyone tell me why my bobbin thread comes through on the design(it's really ugly) didn't do this before now. I have a Singer Futura CE-100. I don't know. HELP!!
where is the best and cheap place to get thread and stabilizer i mainly need like flesh colors
wow u can use dryer sheets i would of never known
if you would like the pattern for my shop hop quilt please check the project post for the quilt to see how to get the pattern.
This isn't really a question; its more of a concern about copyright laws. It is great that everyone would like to share patterns and such with others but it shouldn't be done. More inside
Printed patterns carry copyright protection and we should all respect that. If you want to share with someone give them the information to obtain their own copy. We don't want to get in trouble.
I just Press&Tear Stab. from Inspira (roll of 12 inch x 12yds). When I finished my embroidery, I removed it but it sticks to my fabric and leaves glue and pieces of paper on it. How do I remove it
raels here is your list in 2 columns. Hope you don't mind me messing with it. anna25775 Germany 25-Jul bikermomf1 Florida USA rendaleas Montana USA busymommy Nth Carolina USA 11-Sep cel
I still need the Christmas font D if anyone cares to vote. Thanks. My computer ate it!
Just wanted to say thankyou everyone for still voting for the Berry 'T' sew we can have CHRISTmas. Hopefully this letter and letter D for 'mimisews' will be repeated. Darn computers(GGGG)
I also noticed that Shirlener has 2532. I may be a bit behind but Congratulations. I have been without power so have not been able to check until today.