Shirlener88, What are your beautiful eggs settin in? Is it empty tea candles? Hugs.
Birthdays:cutiepie 9/29,tmbache1/8,letvia2/14,clawton 2/26,raels011 2/1,marjialexa6/16,silvina6/18,francoisen68 4/11,persiancatlover 8/24, take note and keep on sending birthdays!
I rarely get time to stop and look and really read the forum here, it's always interesting and informative. But today has been lovely. I have collected lots of flowers but how do you give them???
Is it true that you can use balsa wood for embroidery??
jrob, I read that you stitched out the humming bird. What fabric did you put it on? What sz. needle? What stabilizer? Boy, I'm nosey Huh!
I have a Singer Futura CE 200. There is another friend who is embroidering with it? Someone is sayng it is basic, but it's my first embroidering machine and i'm satisfied.
looking at 4 part design recently posted.have seen other 4 (or more) part designs beautifully put together in a quilt with narrow fabric between sections & the effect is looking through a window.
Just been buying more designs from embroidery library during their birthday sale ..Who is addicted to collecting designs? NOT ME ... LOL
I have found some beautiful boxes on these be easy to make? They cost $50 a set, so this is very expensive to get them wrong.
What have the other Bug Fonts not been available to vote on?
Have ya'll check out the Easter Eggs that I embroidered today in the projects? Hehehe, hope you do soon. Shirlene
Please check out It is an Australian site and has a big sale on at the moment
When is spring going to get here? I'm sick of this cold stuff. Ohio is 19 right now.
just got machine and tore tendon in hand, carnt do anything. very frustrating. enjoying reading everyones comments though.