Hi Everyone, Sailbabies is up at Nita's place...it's a freebie...and cute! www.nitasplace.com
Hi Cuties, Nita's Place has "Sweet Heart Faces 1" up. I think they're free..?
I'm not familiar with many of the web-sites...how safe is the Sewforum? Has any d/l from them? Thanks Cuties...I can't believe I have so many flowers al-ready and I haven't been here very long..
Oooops...website addy is: www.mybargainstuff.com I hope I'm doing this right.
Hi Cuties...I just found a web-site thats new to me...some of you may already know this one. It's called My Bargain Stuff. The site just posted the letter FREE "A" for a Valentine Script.
Hi Everyone...Does anyone know where I can get a free FSL shamrock? I appreciate any idea...thank you...Darmoola
Five Star Fonts has the letter E up...for those who are collecting them...
The FSL "T" is free at Embroidery Collectables....cute set!
Hi Cuties...Happy New Year from Michigan Embroidery Collectibles has the Snowflake Font and a Wreath Font...you have to search...sorry if this is a repeat notice...
Hi Cuties....Happy New Year to all....I'm so excited! I'm an official Cutie...I just treated myself to a 6 month script....yipee and a script to Amazing Embroidery Designs....Cuties are the best!
How do you know when a new design is added? I'm pretty new to the site and I'm still trying to learn my way around. Thank you for all your help and the designs are just beautiful....
Hi Everyone....I have another question...I've been looking at the Tags...why do they end with the letter "S"? Are there no designs that start with the other letters? I can't find a search....
Hi Everyone....I'm very new to this site...could someone tell me how it works? I seen a momogram set of letters but all the letters aren't shown...is this a set in the working?
how does this site work? If I join for six months - what'a available for download?