As I sit here reading over the Cute community my house shakes and I know that the shuttle has taken off. What a great site and opportunity for our space program. This is one launcj we did not
mysew1325 - you have a private message - hope this helps you with your questions.
Here is a cute little sewing bear, done in fill, and color stitch - free for anniversary special. I don't think that any have posted, but I did not go back too far. (()) to you all.
I had this sent to me by my BinL who has been bed ridden for 2 years. He health is fragil, but he has been great at always being hopeful. Take a look at this and if this doesn't remind us all of
My very special older sister sent this to me and I passed on to a special friend. It was recommended that this be passed on. Please take a look at this - it is something we all need to think of.
A day or so ago someone was asking for FSL crosses - take a look at this site, and they are on sale through month end.
I want to share some excellent news. Today my oldest daughter was given the clear from her cancer doctor. 7 years ago she had a lung removed from cancer (a non smoker). The doctor told her that
I know that many of you are better organized, but do you have the same problem that my hubby and I are having right now? We are trying to downsize some, and to organize our storage. But.....
Merry Christmas all of you Cuties. Now if I were Santa -
For those that asked for the dictions for the Easy Christmas Package pillow directions - Let me see if I can help you, and get this put in correctly.
Hey Alpha Man - where are you? This one's for you, Eric. Take a look at these - Good addition to your collection
If I looked at the tally right we are only 24 ahead of Designs by Sick - come on - let's go vote!
Since now is the time of year that we all add sparkle to our embroideries and our lives, I was wondering where Cute members got their "bling". I was shocked at the price to get some for a project
Can someone help me please - I am looking for the website of the Metro thread that some of us purchased not too long ago. I thought that I had it bookmarked, but it comes up telling me that the
This has been a week for surprises, and hard work. I was given permission by the corporate offices to work from my home - no more traveling on that terrible interstate. And I don't have to