Belguim lace Doily
Bunny Rabbit towels
Girls Baskets
Boy Bunny Rabbit Basket
Here comes Peter cottontail!
Teri & Shirlene, We are all saddened by your losses - and our prayers are with you....... May the Lord bless you and keep you May he make his light shine upon you and give you peace....
I am just letting you know why I have not been on much for a few days. My friend that died in December - well her family asked me to help them try to see what all she had in her sewing room -
I am asking the Cuties to please say a prayer for my grandson that is in the Air Force. Bradley is having surgery tomorrow on his knee, and they do not know what is causing his problem, so he
I have not been on much, but this has not been a very good time for news and activities for us. While we did enjoy our Christmas with our GS in the Air Force, my daughter became ill, and then a
Circle H Throws
daughter's digitizing
Ginger Towels
FSL Gingers
To the Cute Family - my wish for you is a blessed Christmas and the hope that you are sharing it with those you love. A properous and Happy New Year to you all. Special hugs to you all.
I am asking prayers for my daughter at this time. She was laid off from her job today, and her job sent to India. She worked nearly all weekend trying to get testing done, and then this happened