Have any of the Cuties discovered the web site, How Does She? It's a site for women to share how they do projects. They have a great offer of printables, for free, sign up to their news letter and you'll get the info and password. I've downloaded print
There has been some remarks about my designs being FSDesign rather than FSLace and I went back 28 pages to find the orgin of FSD. It was Meganne who brought this to my attention and I agree with her that a FSL base can contain full cover stitching to chan
I was looking over EmbLibrary's Christmas Club and in Projects they have a very cute count down calendar! As the days arrive you add a new figurene to the barn to complete the nativity.
I just finished the second huge Candy Cane this one as a FSDesign. I have uploaded it to DBC... Enjoy!!
Something to do with the grand kids using edible finger paints...
I came across this design and thought to share.
My newest FSDesign, a whimsicial huge candy cane for the 6x10 hoop. I will upload to DBC for all, let me know the formats you will need!!
Hello all Cuties, there is a great sale foing on at Emblibrary called Stack Attack, each for $1. Many adorable designs for all occasions including winter, take a look.
Q - If I take a picture of something can I use that to digitize? I have an adorable lamp shade that would make a full set of patterns... can I?? Please say I can he he
One day only six sets of baby shoes at stitch delight for $1.00 someone was asking about them.
Hi Cuties, is any one else having trouble uploading to DBC? I tried last night and this morning but the format files won't upload?? Dolly
Hello Cuties, OK, the results of washing my FSL pieces are in and they look pretty good! I had no question that the FSL stitches would hold but wondered how the top stitching would sew out on top of the FSL stitches. I only wish that there was a wa
Hi to all, I had asked a question about digitizing FSL, my machine came back from the shop so for those interested, I did my test sew out of the designs I igitized. Here are the results: Photo 1 Santa A is done first in FSL base stitches then
As many of you know I am working on digitizing FSL, I now have several pieces that turned out really cute, see the pictures. My question, can you add stitching like normal embroidery if the base is of FSL and I have removed all the base stitching for each
10 most expensive foods to order: how about a $149. hot dog or ice cream sunday for $1,000!!