HAPPY BIRTHDAY to bonita1313 (Bonnie) from USA for the 3rd October
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ro smoke1275 from the UK for the 2nd October
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to qltrjudy (Judy) from USA for the 15th September
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to bussymommy from USA for the 11th September
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to workbecky from USA for the 1st September
HAPPY BIRTHDAY robnmona (Mona) from USA for the 2nd September
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to becky45 (Becky) from USA for the 1st September
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sukirani (Sukirani) from India for the 31st August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to odetteborduur from the Netherlands for the 28th August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 40 today, to mooie24 (Maria) from UK for the 28th August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sisibrode (Silvia) from France for the 25th August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to babsie (Babsie) fron South Africa for the 25th August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to persiancatlover (Connie) from Belgium for the 24th August
Happy belated Birthday to brendaburgess (Brenda) from Louisiana, USA on August 20. I hope your special day was wonderful in every way! Hugs, Jacqueline
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to tiply (Andrea) from Switzerland for the 23rd August