Hi, Cuties! For those of you who want to know where we all are, I have set up a map called World Cuties at Platial.com. The link and directions to add yourself are inside. It's not too hard. >>>
Cuties meet in Melbourne, Aus. Today was the day Marianne (greysewist) & Chris (Pennifold) got to meet up at Queen Vic Market in Melbourne, ably assisted by Trevor, who played photographer...
A new digitized design from me to you @ designs by Cuties
I am going to take a real 'time out' from EVERYTHING and just DL all the DESIGNS BY CUTIES and catch up on the generosity of everyone! I just recently peeked & saw some of the AMAZING work there!
"Cute" meeting:-) LindaAvolio and I had a chance to meet this past weekend.