Hi Cuties, this tutorial for Embird was posted before by Meganne, and it's very useful! I've noticed newbies wanting to learning how to digitize, I think this is a great start!
EMBIRD NOTES. for all Newbies who may not be aware I have just had 5 medical procedures in 9 weeks, requiring 37 total days in hospital and i'm now facing 12 months of chemotherapy....
EMBIRD users- A lovely lady from my other group has sent me her notes (tips) on using Embird & has approved my sharing them with you. I have found with Embird that there are so many different ways
I've spent the last two days catalogueing my Poly Threads in Embird, so I can replace the(cheap and nasty) ones i bought before i knew any better. Heavens was that only seven months ago???
To the embird users. I have worked out where I need to change colours on a design, but how do I do it so it is saved? I want to change in the middle of a single colour....more inside