Now I know how to vote, but more to go. What do the flowers mean? How to give and receive? Why is a name in pink in the questions and the flower gray? Thank you to all who have time to answer!
hi 'cuties'! I finally started to post my projects too! please have a look at the 3 bowls I posted and tell me what you think of my work. thank you.
How do you "backup" your computer files? Showing my ignorance, I know. Is that an internal backup, or an external backup? The bad website is scary! There are so many sites out there!!
ATTENTION WARNING!!!!!! This morning my MSN contact list was hacked into deleting all my contacts and an email sent in my name subject-hello saying it was sent by me. This was not from me. Sorry.
ATTN: lucymax. You asked about free site for Nativity Set. It is in bookmarks also note: Lucymax. The free designs are here. All designs are free on this page and when you click on the Nativ
How can I post my machine in the reviews site?
Elizabeth has been admitted and will remain in hosp. til Kofi is delivered. Not due til May 6th. She seems stable but Drs are not comfortable with random bleeding. So she's in for the duration.
I just embroidered a design on left front of T-shirt and it looks crooked, is there a way to remove all the stiches? Also , how far down from the top is correct place to put a design or name??
morning all! man I miss this site, I have been so busy with the grandkids, I have not had the time to get to the computor much. and by the time they go home in the evening I am ready for bed
Okay Cuties! What exactly do the two sets of numbers mean (after names)?
Another question, how do I leave a little comment on the right when getting one of those very cute and charming designs.All this is new to me. Thank you!!!!!!
hello marymoore,you can find the fairy on,if you go to the winx designs to winx flora and take a note of the number for that design ,you send these people who digit it a ema
please someone tell me how is mommy and the twins doing? The last I heard mom was in total bedrest. the boys were doing great. any change? when are they do. And does cutepie have other kids?
Hi "CUTE" family, I just noticed that marjialexa had reached 2009 flowers in her 1st column. If we already celebrated, my mind isn't working very well - if not - CONGRATULATIONS, marji, U deserve