Have any of you used the double eyed needles? Are they to embroidery with 2 threads at the same time? Thank you.
Hi, I see the ask the community and also a list of people. I have seen most of them, answering and asking questions or posting projects. Do they work at "CUTE"? If so how can I get a job there?
OFF TOPIC.... Please think about getting a flu shot. I have just returned home after being in the hospital since the 22nd of February! and some of those days were in ICU for respiratory failure!
For all you Aussies here is a link for http://glenn-harris.com/embroider... Enjoy!
I have not been in touch with everyone in a long time. I forgot how to vote on projects Please help flowers for everyone. All the projects are very lovely
Have put other twin (Harry) in projects
I found bobbins on ebay In Australia they are $9 for 10 In USA thet are $9.50 for 144 but postage to Aust is $25 Why is there such a difference in price
Small world mcgraw just got in touch ....recognised my photo..she lives in the same street in my home town
just found this info from another site hope it helps . When using sprays eg starch or adhesive put article in plastic shopping bag and spray in the bag that way no spray in your machine. :)
For the people who couldn't reach the site I founded yesterday, please try with this link. http://embroideryrn.googlepages.c...
could you please send me the letter A in autumnfont in hus format?
I found this site, now, if waste my time downloading all those freebies when will I have the time to stitch?? It has nice simple borders... http://embroideryrn.googlepages.c...
I haven't seen anything from mops from the Netherlands for a while .Does anyone know where she is
Hello everybody, I just want to show you my Best Project in the entire world. MY FAMILY. I posted a picture in the projects site. Hugs and XoXo.
this month we have two birthdays.. gabribid from Italy on the 16th and jrob from Georgia USA on the 19th