becintex, check your email!
for anyone that has been to embroidery social and just could not work it out. I have posted some help videos. You can check them out here, even if you just want to have a laugh at my Aussie
Nothing to do with embroidery, but I am wondering how many can relate to Pam Ayers here. "They should have asked my husband". Very funny.
New freebie, cats at Embroidery Allsorts.
I do wish business people would think about their embroidery while they are designing their logos.
My tip for today. Don't put a wet cloth down on top of a roll of solvy. hehehe.
I am interested to know what things clutter your sewing room/studio that you really don't need. Here is what is in mine. Other peoples clothes. visitors that may leave something behind. they end
I think I am finally losing my marbles. I am having a big clean up in my studio today. So I pull everything out of my hoop and stabilizer drawer and discover the bottom has come apart. So off to
My spare wheel cover is in the machine for the step one. fingers crossed.
How exiting, I just got a postcard from Japan.
I want to embroidery on my spare wheel cover, it is vinyl and quite thick, does anyone have any advice about hooping stabilizing etc... before I start. Alice.
Well I am off to Ikea to replace a drawer front, then to Spotlight for embroidery thread, then to Riot art and craft for I don’t know what. This is a big shopping expedition for me, I hate shopping. I do have my sports shoes on though, so wish me luck.
With everyone raving about metro threads can someone please tell me where I can order them in Australia. I had the link once but I formatted my computer without saving it.
Well it is time for me to click that red cross in the corner of the browser and click on the icon with the needle and get some work done. That's the plan Let's see how it works out.
I can't find any wash-away in my stash so I am going to have to go and buy some. This could get dangerous. I might come home with the new Brother PR1000 that I know my dealer has in the shop.