Today's plan: do the grocery shopping. Strategy to enable completion: stop reading cute and turn off the computer. Alice.
Todays plan: enter very complicated coding into website to get a new feature going, Todays avoidance tactic: spend all day on cute.
I went off work sick 18 months ago and for the first four weeks I wasted all day every day on facebook. I had to download an addon for my browser that locked me out of facebook during the day
When I went to church this morning the first thing the priest announced was the death of one of my church craft group friend's, who I have not seen for a few weeks little boy died this week.
Is there a way to bump my questions so that they don't get lost. I am in Aus so I think that I am asking stuff when everyone else is in bed, so my questions my get missed.
can anyone tell me what format is needed for a BERNINA ARTlink 180 ART4? Thanks in advance. Alice
I have been trying to do a ball cap with puffy foam, it works fine when I test stitch in the 4x4 hoop but as soon as I put it in the cap hoop I get registraition problems.
Can anyone tell me what is reasonable price to charge for digitizing?
Where do I find private messages on this site? I have looked everywhere i can think of.
what is the best way to stick my test stitched designs to fabric for display?
I am interested to know what size people like to get their embroidery designs in, do most people like to get designs that fit in 4"x4" hoop or do people prefer lareger designs?
Thanks to Carol posting a link to my website I have had a lot of you great people come to visit me. Rita has suggested that I let you all know when I have new stuff on the site.