Latest research on fabric masks says to use 2 layers of heavy weight quilter's cotton (180 count or higher). If using lesser density, add internal layer of flannel. No knits - the holes in them are too large. This would include t shirt fabric. Sugges
If you need cheering up, go to humorist web site. There's probably 4 hours of YouTube's there, but limit yourself to one or two per day and you will smile for two weeks! Southern American women will especially relate, but this lady understands all peo
Google "Elmo's Washing Song" if you have little kids. Very informational. Also, for those of us whose kids are grownups, just very entertaining!
Comment on masks made with HEPA material - one use only per doctor seen on CNN. Moisture, such as from your breath or sweat or from washing, destroys the integrity of the material.
Go to Skeldale House and click on the rainbow with shamrock. It takes you to a page of shamrock designs for sale. Scroll down to the freebie celtic shamrock. Luck of the Irish!
Christmas 2020 - For those in our fold like Pennifold, who are forging forward into stitching for December, I would like to offer a word of encouragement to the procrastinators and laggards in our group. I have just found the last never-wrapped Christmas
Scissor memories of Dennis tonight. Went to Hobby Lobby and found two lovely pairs of large Singer fabric cutting scissors, aqua handles, bent in the handle for easier cutting, and double ground, stainless steel. They were 2 for $15. Tried them out toni
Gardening update: I was concerned last week (in January) to find two mosquitos at my back door. We haven't had enough cold nights to kill off some of the bugs here, which can make for a miserable summer. Well, this morning it is 23 degrees, or as we
In 2009 when I moved here, I planted about a dozen white narcissus at the road, under some prickly shrubs for February blooms in the yard. I've never seen any blooms and each year I have reminded myself I need to move them out of that too shady spot to
Just went to the local diner and the help staff all had flashing Rudolph noses on elastic bands around the wrist. It was very festive as they rushed around! (I've seen these at the Dollar Store in USA.)
New to this site? Be on the look out. Most years Miss Veronica has given very beautiful Christmas free designs for a number of days before Christmas - kind of a count down. And her designs are SO awesome.
Sloping shoulders? Well, you know how expensive buying shoulder pads is. I have discovered I can get a pair of shoulder pads cheaper by buying a jacket at the Salvation Army, even if I just snip the threads and donate the jacket back! Tonight I have be
Don't miss one of my all time favorite designs on this site today - The bunny in the carrot car. You'll be so glad you have it when Easter comes around.
Hottest October day in Alabama since they've been keeping records. 102 degrees. Whew! TIme to go visit some Cuties further north.
Today's laugh. You know how the advertisers pick up on a word in your writing and try to sell you something based on that? Well, it's not just words, it's picture content too. Adorable's free teddy bear today is in the pink polka dots. Right besid