Annafaye and Shadoe, you both have a PM! Judy...
Meganne, I sent you a PM, if it worked, I'm not good at that! Judy...
muzicdiva777, you have a PM.
SewingNonni you have a PM. Gramsbear
Arisann and Tishasue75, you both have a PM. SMILE...
A great big THANX to all you CUTIES! I just checked and I have 11199 flowers, and wondered who would be so kind to give me the next one??? Hahaha! Thanx again for all the help you special people
Today is Christmas Day here in Amarillo, and I feel so very Blessed! I have the love of family, friends, and especially God. I pray for the same for all of you on this Special Day. Merry Christmas
Michele921 and Stitch4Fun, you both have a PM. Judy...
Ever since I have had my embroidery machine, it has had an allergy to Christmas. It conks out on me when I need it the most. Well, as usual, I had a problem with it 2 weeks ago, I went to the
Have a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
Reading other Cuties thoughts (???Hahaha!) about Christmas, I would love to know how it is celebrated in each of our areas around the world! I think that would be real wonderful! Thanx Judy!
Just wanted to let youns know, I placed a picture of the Penguins Hockey Blanket in Projects. I could only get 1 pic to go there, so heres the other. if I can get it to load. Judy...
Penguin Hockey Blanket
I D/L the Sophie Sew digitizing program, and the tutorials, but can't read the tutorials. Can someone tell me how I can get them so I can read them? Please??? Judy...
I have 2 questions to ask! 1. Does anyone know what happened at Ferret Lady Designs? It is the same page every day. I hope she is not ill. I love her designs. 2...Is there some reason I am not