What do you do about picky eaters?
Quilts for Uganda! We did such a great job sending quilts to the orphans and students in Uganda, they have quite a few extra for any new orphans! Andrea is leaving for her trip on August 8th. If you have already made a quilt for this project, please do
Be sure to go to Embroidery Library to sign up for their Christmas Club. It's a great deal and you can save a little money, and also receive some free designs just for joining!
Could you use some free unprinted newspaper? I went to our local newspaper printing office, and asked for their newspapers that don't get taken - to line our bird cage floors. They offered me the ends of the rolls of newsprint - with no printing on the
We are safe from the shooting at the Aurora Colorado shooting. That is a theater where we have gone often to see movies while my client went to the hospital. It's a nice theater, and in a "safe" location. So sad when one person goes truly crazy. We
My daughter and 3 kids are driving out to see us. They haven't been up here for at least 4 years!!!! I am ecstatic and torn between wanting to make things for them, and making the house a little neater and a lot cleaner! I did make a raggy quilt for e
Can you imagine what it would be like first discovering this website?! When I found it, there were only about 400 pages of free downloads: Now there are over 3000 pages of free designs! Thank YOU to all the Cuties who so generously share their creative,
I'm posting this in Personal, but I may show up in Public. It's important, not sewing, and I wanted to ask Cuties to help by doing a simple thing :-) Adam's Camp has been one of the very best supports we have had for Ben. He has gone to Adam's
Is anyone else having this problem? I go to Personal, and when I go to post there, it posts in Community. Truly, I can't post to Personal. It gives me this box and when I click on submit, it will show up in Community. HELP!
Ben has dental surgery on Tuesday morning. We can't tell him, or even give him any clue or he will have a major panic attack. We are finally completing step 3 in all this. He'll get a stainless crown (it shouldn't show with his smile) and two more fill
Is it possible to purchase a membership for Adorable Applique? I'm really getting hooked!
PE Design digitizing question - I use the old version 5. I'm hoping someone can tell me how to reverse the direction of the stitching. I keep getting a jump stitch where it should just start stitching right there, instead of going to the other end. Doe
Fires! The two largest fires are nearly contained - but they will be burning still throughout the summer. But, there is a new one, that is NE of us and filling our air with smoke. Good news is the one that was in our county was put out before it burned
Thank You, Ms Veronika, for the beautiful, fun new Alphabet starting today - OWLS! Soooo Cute! Be sure to download everyone! Happy 4th of July to Americans. Jan
Has anyone made any designs to be used in scrap-booking? Would FSL work - or are they too thick? It sure seems like a natural to be able to make on our machines. Like maybe a state flag, or a little watermelon, or grad cap... Truly, I'm just wonderin