DEAR CUTIES, look to my amount of flowers, 20012, and it is not my borthday yet, my borthday will be tomorrow. Thanks yopu al for this beautiful birthdaypresent. I love it very much.
PENNY1952 I saqw your question under the flamingodesign abiout the fringe instructions. You can find them under the tag "tutorial" under popular topics at your lh side. I did also send you a PM
STARMONOGRAM GA-GZ is up on gammascorner, don't forget to DL
WOW, Just saw my amount of flowers changing in the amount of 19.000 flowers Thanks you al very very much.
Just a reminder to VOTE FOR CUTE TODAY.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU all for voting prinsess "Y" on amzing,. It made my alpha complete. I'm glad to vote for the sakura G today to help another cutie to her/his alpha.
Cuties, please remember to vote for Cute, the difference is now 130 points between #2 and #3. When we all vote we can be #2 again. Thank you all.
shelly56, you asked a question about the free strawberryfont. You said you missed some of the letters and how to get them. It depends of how many people vote for a curtain letter.
Votingrequest. Can you help me please to vote for the prinsesalpha on Amazing "Y". Thanks all very much in advance. Link below. http://www.amazingembroiderydesig...
Princess "Y" is up at Amazing see link below
Cute has gone to the 3rd place on "Embroidery top" Canb we let this happen?????? Please vote all for Cute to bring it back where it belongs. :)
Am i the only one that couldn't come on the cute site the whole morning????? Got a message that was reached the utmost amount of users for hours and hours today.
I found a lovely small fsl butterfly on the next site, see link below
Fivestarsfont has up the M of tha applique alpha. Links is below
Ladies, are we still voting every day for Cute because the difference between #2 and #3 was a few days ago 656 and now only 145. We cannot let this happen. So let's Vote "YES WE CAN"