Bevintex you have a pm.
This bouquet of 10,000+ flowers is lovely; I thank all of the Cuties for a lovely place to visit, learn and share! Embroidery could be a lonely hobby, but you've all made it an adventure!
Can anyone tell me how to remove one of my own posts? Did not know that the owner of Misty Mountain did not want us to participate in her hunts.... Sorry all. How do I contact Miss Veronika?
Shirlener88 you have a pm.
Bevintex you have a PM.
Hello Cuties, Has anyone found the number '2' of the Flower Petal alphabet from Katiedo? Have the others and have searched repeatedly! Whew! Love, Jacqueline
You are all so kind and I humbly give you thanks for the 'bouquet' of flowers! It's such a pleasure learning and sharing with all of you! Love, Jacqueline
Dear Letvia, Could I please request the letter 'G' of the Princess font on Amazing Embroidery? Thank you, Love, Jacqueline
Babsie, You have a Private Message.
Stitchship, you have a pm.
For all of people of Japan who lost loved ones in the terrible earthquake that occurred, our thoughts and prayers are with you. (Our own Yoriko said that it was in her area of Japan.)
Slipstitch you have a pm.
For all who lost loved ones
Shirlene; you have a pm.
Hi Cuties! Does anyone know where the Schoolfriend alphabet is located?