Please,please does anyone know were I can get a 1" star???????????Thans JoAnn
Did I hear right , They are going to give all of us 1xtra month on Here and Amazing? That would be wonderful.
Could we vote for Christmas heros (S), In all that haS HAPPENED I must of messed it.
Could we vote for Christmas heros (S), In all the mess I must of messed it.
tree design here id:3618004 I can't find it to download. Can anyone please help. love joann
I'm sorry I sail rose doily and I meant coaster. Thank you much JoAnn
Someone awhile back did a project Rose Doily.The design was free but can't remember where. Could someone please tell me.Thanks JoAnn1
lynn, could you tell me how to do the mylar flower ? and also thank for emailing me my designs.joann
please ask for H in caterpillar alph. Don't know how I missed it. Thank you JoAnn
Does anyone know where I can get sq. potholeders in hoop designs. JoAnn PS has anyone used topstitch needles to do decortive stitches on quilts? If so what size?
can"t find the a,j,l,z. In Chyrl's Christmas Ball Col. JoAnn Please help
Orry, but i have two? can you use marlar on any embriodery design yes or no and why? Plus how do i put a pic on the site for me?
How do I use mylar sheets and get maybe so (free) or other wise designs? thank you joann
how do you do 3d designs?joann