Does any one know of any websites that has "Happy Easter" words for free. Thank you, Rhoda
Just woke up and WOW the D was there. Thank you so much. I know it is hard to keep all of the designs straight. If we have a hard time, We know you do. Love you and thank you
Ok am I going crazy or am I just old. What happen to the "D" in the new Amazing flower letters? A is back up.
Does anyone have "Amazing"Software? If so do you like it? Please let me know. Thank you.
Does anyone know who has the best deal on pre-wound bobbins for a Brother PE 750D? Thank you, Love you all
Does anyone use the Wonder Thread Guide?
I wish I lived someplace other than here in Las Cruces, NM. I wish I could take classes like most of you can. Here you have to buy your machine from them before they will even tell you about
What is your tip on organizing websites of where the designs come from once you download the designs? Most cuties know exactly where the design comes from. I have forgotten the websites
As anyone used the trail Embird program. Did you get to use colors or did you just learn how to open an image up? I downloaded the free program but can not do colors. I really need to sit down
The alligators that I am still trying to download is from Download-2109 on page 85 in the archives. I am on that site day in and day out. They are 2 alligators mating.
Anyone know of a female alligator embroidery design free. I have the alligator from cute.
All the Cuties on here do such a wonderful job on giving us free designs after they have worked so hard on them. How can the rest of us give back to you? Please tell us. knitty46
Before we know Vicki will have all the states done by this weekend. She is good and fast. Thank you again Vicki.
Good morning, Well you know when you are addicted to the sites and stay up till 3am. Well I still missed the "H" in the patrickfont because I was so excited about the new bear. "smile"
Keeponsewing, Thank you for you Jul 2010 tip on WCN files that really helped me today. Yes I look through old post. They are very helpful. "Smile" knitty46