Mary Moore, come out, come out wherever u are. We want to play.
Whoever just gave me the last flower gave me my 27,000th. thank You Everyone for all u mean to me. I am truly humbles by your generosity
The Alpha F is the only one that has only 2 DL options XXX & VIP
New alpha has only 2 DL options, VIP & XXX
Cassandra's U is up
Birds & Blooms Fonts T & U r up
Has anyone heard anything from Pafhen lately? I don't recall hearing anything from her n quite a while.
The lace t 4 suefftb1 please Letvia
thanks cuties. My machine is going 90 to nothing now embroidering pink ribbons. Appreciate your help flowers 4 all of your help
Cutes I need a free FSL breast ca. awarness ribbon Design like yesterday. Where??? Thanks Lillian
Cutes don't forget to click on voting requests & please Vote
voting info. If everyone would click on voting-request just above ask a question. then u will see what needs to b voted on without having to sift through all the other question & answers.
wowee Dear cutes I've just noticed I hit the 24000 mark. Thank U all from the bottom of my heart. U R loved & appreciated ea. & everyone of U.
T The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed fort
UPDATE and rejoice with me. Hubby's Biopsy was benign. Dx of Degenerative osteo of head of rt Femur. Sure hip replacement n near future but that's lots better than the Ca word. Prayer works!!