Story bag I have been asked ro make several storybags. Just finished the first one today! Mummy owl and her 3 babies and a bag to keep them together.
Telephone cover. Here is a telephone cover for my husband. He wanted a dog with a bone (rhymes with telephone?!)I was quite pleased with the result of the cover. I just wished he had chosen a different design to put on it.;
This is what I have been doing in the lat week. I moved my whole sewing room to a bigger room, sorted everything out and created much more storage space. It is terrifying what I had collected and had forgotten about!!!
Can anyone tell me how many designs you can upload in one go. I am nearly ready to share my frog place mat. There are 5 parts to it. Normally I post it in 6 different formats. This would make it 30 uploads. Is that possible?
Do you ever wonder why you start a certain project? I am making a quilt for a Super King size bed. 63 squares and decided to put 4 corners on each square (252 corners in total) OK each corner should be 6 minutes to stitch out but with several colour chang
I know I have posted some of the FSL sky mobile parts but can not remember which ones. Am willing to post the rest if you can tell me which ones have been posted.
Sky mobile I have at last put it together (At least one of the 2 I have embroidered) Sorry for the appaling photo. The mobile kept turning.
Another placemat!
More Spirograph Tried some more patterns and different colours. I found it worked better with the tripple stitch ( The blue/green one is single) Would you like me to share the patterns?
Spirograph Can you remember the spirograph? While tidying my cupboard I came across my spirograph (Have had it for over 40 years!) I thought It would make lovely designs this is my first attempt. I used varigated thread. Wonder if I should make a tripl
Bath bowl from Secret embroidery. Will use this one to fill with bath balls and give as a Christmas present.
Remember the tiger I showed? Here are all 10 designs (They are from Amazing embroidery). They stitched out beautifully. I want to incorporate them in a bag and I know what design I want. Just have not found a pattern yet! It is a rounded bag which end in
Bernina software I am so impressed with the Bernina service. My software has been playing up and would not load up to my computer. I had to reinstall it every so often. Being fed up with that I googled if there was a helpline. That was very easy. I ema
Hand puppets Present for a six year old girl. Designs by Mops and Sue
Is anyone else having problems downloading pictures in projects? I have reduced the photo as usual but it does not want to download? Will try again later.