Pencil Toppers. I have a request to make at least 30 different designs for a class of 5 year olds. Are you still interested in me posting them as and when I make them?
Does anyone have a Pfaff Creative 2.0 machine. If so what is your view on this machine? I am hoping to buy a second machine and was recommended this one. It is within my price bracket (unlike the Bernina 830). But have to be sure that it will work for me.
People in the UK Where would I be able to buy flameless tealites? I have seen the covers for them but have not a clue where to buy them.
Crazy quilt wall hanger This is my first square. I have designed it myself and it needs still some work on it. I want to make 4squares for spring, summer and winter. So intotal 12 squares and combine this to make a wall hager for my summerhouse. It
Peg cozies Enough is enough. I reached the 50 pegcozies and although I have enjoyed designing each one of them I now think it is time to move on and start doing something different. I would like to thank all the test stitchers for their w
PLDC you have a pm
Virus warning! My anti virus programme blocked me as there was a virus attack when trying to go on this website!.
I have a lot of requests to make certain peg cozies and am happy to design them. Can those people pm me if they are willing to test stitch them for me as I am inundated with peg cozies at the moment and would like to start on sewing different things.
ruthc you have a pm
Lori (mehhouse) you have a pm
Are you ready for the peg cozies? I had at last time to test stitch some and will now convert them to post them in designs!
Just an update on me postiong more peg cozies. They are all well on the way of designining, but I have no time to test them out thid week. My mothet in law is staying and she has had brain tumors and sveral operations and complications. She needs full tim
More peg cozies and as asked showeing the back of one. I have made the cat ready to share so you will see it soon in designs rest will follow after I have taken mistakes out.
One day I would like a second embroidery machine. I have now a Bernina 730. I would like one with the biggest area to embroider on but my budget is limited. What machine would you suggest and can you tell me what is the best feature of that machine. Many