Catch all bag, the smaller one is the original size. The larger one I adjusted the pattern, it's a demo bag. I had to make sure the increase worked for a lunch bag size. The zipper is on the short side it was the only blue zipper I had left from my
Catch all bag. I decided to do a test bag. I thought this would make a great lunch bag. I will be enlarging the pattern a little and the lunch bag will be insulated. The directions were very clear and I managed to complete it without difficulty.
I found a cute carry all bag pattern, I thought it would make a great lunch bag. In order to add insulation to the bag I thought of quilting the liner in, then I'm no quilter so free motion quilting is not an option. Does anyone know where I can
Continuing with the Chihuahua Biker theme Vicki made these two designs for me. They will be available at tomorrow :) Now I can't decide which design to use on Taco's leather jacket...
I have been putting off this project for some time as well... I purchased a black rayon jacket (unlined) and I thought of embroidering on it, but not sure what? It's not a heavy jacket. Do you ladies have any ideas? The jacket has a narrow collar
Has anyone embroidered on leather? Vicky digitized a chihuahua biker and I have picked up a used leather jacket. I planned on making a jacket for my chihuahua with the leather, it has a seam down the center back which will create bulk. Which need
Hi everyone, Metro is having a big sale. Just incase you didn't know
Embroidery Library has Embird 2010 as a free download, has anyone tried this? I just want to monkey around with something free before jumping into a large expense... Also is there a way of searching information here so I'm not asking redundant quest
I have been having trouble uploading pictures here, the picture file is only 126 KB which is small. I'm not sure why this is happening. I haven't been able to post pictures for several months. Any suggestions?
Can you guess what I've been up to? Knitting was my first love and decided to pick it up again. Made a bunch of scarves for gifts and a sweater for the latest addition to our family. The pattern for the dog sweater is from Drops Design and is free. L
Hi everyone! I made some kitchen towels for the Christmas Hamper raffles. The local school has a theme for each class room and the parents donate items for their childs theme, this year was choc, coffee or tea. I donated a special coffee blend, tea, and
Gym strip bags! hello everyone, guess who's back for a limited time! I have missed everyone here, I haven't been sewing since last Christmas and yesturday began making these bags for my little girls. I can't remember where the designs are from,
Hi everyone, been away for a while, I have a picture to show you. It's of my daughter, my sister plays around with photoshop and she changed the background of the original picture. I then added the frame and the wisteria using photoshop.
I completed three more gifts for my daughters :) Still have a few more to go as long as the renos are on hold I might get them all done... we will see...
Made some FSL ornaments to help dress up the presents. Designs from Ace Points.