wow thanks to all who answered my question, NOW I know how to give flowers, I gave all ya'll one.
okay gotta ask this quetion, why is my flower red, have I done something wrong
someome was looking for a doberman. go to opw, rose cottage(designer) then fur babies.
does anyone know where i can find the browning, duckhead, or john deer logos, if they are allowed to be embroideried
does anyone have the ABC for oregonpatchworks. I thought I had the whole set of letters, maybe deleted these.
can someone send pansy d to, I don't think they are coming back if this is allowed
I also have a lap top windows vista, I have to save to f file instead of e file then my ped cannot read these help
I have been sick with migranes, are we allowed to email missed letter, if so I missed the c and e,if not can you please vote for them again at the end. thanks
what happened to the letter o in the carnival font for 01/01/08 did I miss it.