Bowling Shirt
Hi fellow Cuties, Just wanted to thank everyone who voted for the Firebird "M" for me. I guess there were more people wanting Autumn M than the Firebird "M", i'm disappointed but c'est la vie! Meg
What can't YOU do without? More...
Hi fellow Cuties, while we are waiting for the rest of the Autumn font to be digitised could we please vote for the Firebird 'M', pretty please. Meganne
Some great news, the Oncologist is confident that my lump is benign. Yeehah! It will still need to be removed as it is the kind that becomes cancerous in time but there is no urgency. Meganne
Woohoo! My R&A threads just arrived from th USA. I guess I'll be busy for th next little while, checking off th colors & finding somewhere to store them all (100 x 1000m reels) b back later, Meg
Hey Aussie gals, PLEASE tell what brand of thread you all use and where you buy from? I'm having trouble buying the Madeira 40 colours to match certain designs from Emblibrary. THX Meganne
An Angel for Cutiepie
Just want to share a great quote i heard this morning:- "Take my advice.... I'm not using it!" I think it's XLNT! cheers, Meganne
Design 5 - Multi Coloured Bookmark
Thread Nets for all
Design 4-Peace Dove Bookmark
Third design