This is really for the reasonably New Newbies. Have you ever checked out Bookmarks which is situated in the top Right Hand corner near Projects? A lot of interesting things to look at.
So quiet on here tonight, I think I might go to bed. Hope there is lots for me to read about tomorrow. Have a good Day. Lyn
Don't feel so disheartened now. Talking to a friend the other side of Adelaide this morning. She also did a market yesterday with her quilts and other crafty items.
So Sad! Have just arrived home from my Market. What a horrible day weather wise. Started off really Hot, then the fog rolled in and the wind came up with a sprinkle every now and then.
I would love to see more people state where they are located in their profile. I'm a sticky beak. Lyn
Thought I might show you how I keep my threads. They are not tidy at the moment as I have been so busy sewing. I bought these sets of drawers at The Reject Shop in Adelaide for $10 ea.
Hello to anyone who is around at this time. Can I beg 11 flowers from some of you. Then I must go to bed and get my Beauty sleep. Luvyousall Lyn
There was talk of a Metro Spool. Does anyone use Thread Net. I have found it very useful<a title="Uploaded with the Flock Browser -" href=" <img src="http://photos-h.ak.
Not feeling so Cute today. Think it is too much sewing and too much this site and not enough sleep.
Do you know something I like about this site? If someone mentions an interesting site, you don't have to remember where it is or write it down and then forget where you have written it.
Have just loaded a couple of my Etui photos in Projects.I am fast running out of the projects that I do at the moment so if anyone has something that they would like to share I would appreciate it
My Group of Etui
Sunflower Etui
Have just Googled Etui on the net and came up with this picture which is almost the same as mine.