I am looking for some input regarding fellow Cutie experiences. I really want to purchase a nice small font set that includes Uppercase, Lowercase and numers to use on baby items. I want something pretty or elegant, easy to read, and probably cont
I am looking for some input regarding fellow Cutie experiences. I really want to purchase a nice small font set that includes Uppercase, Lowercase and numers to use on baby items. I want something pretty or elegant, easy to read, and probably co
Does anyone have any experioence stitching with the Pearlized embroidery thread? I am able to stitch with metallic thread without much problems, and thought I could employ the same measures with the pearlized thread...no such luck! I've broken 5 needle
Help! I had suggested Cute to a fellow embroiderer, and since the website update I have no idea where to send a guest to learn the ropes or to get registered. I know someone posted links to this sites information (FAQ's, tutorials, etc)...yet even I can