This is my Daisy baby on a sweat shirt. Vicki did such a great job of capturing her likeness. I am very grateful. Chris
Have any of you with a Husqvarna bought replacement bobbins with a V on them? They say they're original but I want to make sure they work before I buy them.
YAHOO! I just bought my second embroidery machine yesterday, it's a husqvarna topaz 20 with 5D software. I can't wait for it to come in.
Do any of you own a Husqvarna Viking designer Topaz 20? Do you like it?
OK, I admit it, I have embroidery OCD! I can't make just one of anything.
Here are some more clip covers, I hope Lique doesn't mind that I modified them a bit by adding wiggly eyes glitter jewels and change of name.
my newest addiction!
Do any of you have a Singer Futura machine that has trouble keeping the upper tension set? It runs fine for a while then the tension just stops working. I flossed and cleaned it but it is still giving me fits. Any suggestions?
Help! I keep trying to upload a picture in projects and I keep getting an error. Any suggestions?