Question regarding pre wound bobbins .... I take it most do not rewind them..., so.. what do you do with the empties ? I have never used prewound. I just rewind my own .. So do they end up in a landfill ? Do you recycle them into some other use ? Please f
Each person you meet is a puzzle piece to a new opportunity, lesson in life or a smile to your day. Let go of FEAR & be open to FRIENDSHIP ♥ Jo
" May we never let the things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. As we value our happiness let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy w
'To be at peace, your opinion of yourself must outweigh others opinion of who you are.'...
"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself." - Lucille Ball
" Hope is not the closing of our eyes to difficulty, risk or failure. It is a trust that if we fail now, we shall not fail forever. And if we are hurt, we shall be healed. It is a trust that life is good and love is powerful."-George Wachirah
"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking." - Robert Schuller
"Happiness is not in our circumstances but in ourselves. It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. Happiness is something we are." - John B. Sheerin
" Judging others will not change them. People judging you will not change you. Only you can judge yourself... and only you have the ability to change YOU."-Danielle Fusco
Life’s not about sitting at home in front of the TV waiting for your life to begin. Get out there and take some chances.-Queen Latifah
FRIENDS: " They are the world, they are the sunshine, they are the laughter deep inside your belly. They are your smile, they are your savior, they are your inspiration and motivation. They help to define who you are..."
You are a woman, the most precious gift to life, the most heaven to adore. You are an angel of most beauty having a heart of great strength and wisdom of a precious mind. Your love is to be cherished and you are to be loved a true love from a heart as equ
Never say no to a great idea. Everything is worth a shot because anything is possible. Jo
“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”—Tony Robbins
OH MY GOSH !!! I have had the hic ups for about 2 hrs now.. Any home remedies would be greatly appreciated ... Thank you in advance !!