Can someone PLEASE HELP----I have been using Brother PEDBasic for about 8 years---have had trouble with it ALMOST ALL THE TIME----since I got it----it gets stuck on a file and will not let me open the window to see the desings until I go back into Windows
Cassette threaders for Brother SE270D. Does any one have a use for two of them. My machine is UNFIXABLE. It is being disassembled, parted out, tooled out, and sledge hammered. If anyone can use the threaders please reply. Don't CR
I am scrapping/junking/disassembling a Brother SE 270D sewing/embroidery machine. It is UNFIXABLE. Uses the ------cassette threading system. Don't ever buy a machine that uses a cassette threading system----PIECE OF JUNK. Let me know if any of you ca
NOTHING WILL download. NONE of the sites will allow me to download. Any others having problems???? Very frustrating:(:(:(
Can anyone tell me where I can get FREE PATTERNS to knit cotton cloths for Halloween?? Cannot use witches, ghosts, skeletons, vampires, monsters. Basically--cats, bats,pumpkins, owls. Thanks for any/all help. God bless you.
Has anyone had issues with I just spent over an hour trying to get though on yahoo to look at designs. I emailed the company, told them what I thought of having to go to yahoo, spending so much time trying to get through, and got a reall
Can anyone tell me anything GOOD about GE money bank used by Brother to finance machines, software, etc.????
Can someone please tell me why I cannot add to my cart at cute-cross-stitch and adorableapplique? I have sent ticket after ticket. No response